Backstreet Records is proud to participate in the inaugural SHIFTY BITS CIRCUS.
On June 9th, we'll be peopling a vinyl swap & sales table at the Shifty Bits Fair.
The sales booth part'll be fairly straightforward...the swap part is where you get to play a little. If you bring in vinyl records we'll assess and rate them on a scale of 0-5, then grant equivalent credit to swap for new (to you) vinyl. Who knows what treasures you might find?!
For ease, we'd love if you could drop-off your vinyl offerings at Gallery Connexion well BEFORE the we can start the day ready & able to offer trades aplenty. Bring them in, fill out a slip with your name / phone # / and email, and we'll have your credit sitch figured when you arrive at the fair. Even if you can't make the event and have vinyl you'd like to purge, this is a fab way to support a fun endeavour.
If you have questions you can e-mail us at or call (506) 458-8832 or Megan McKay at Gallery Connexion / (506) 454-1433